Stop with the idolatry !
Exodus 20: 3-4: You must not have any other god but me. 4)You must not make yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected-even the children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. 6) But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.
Soooo….Idolatry comes in many forms, it is pretty much anything you put before Jesus or God!
And your idolatry and disobedience has a consequence !
I see soooo much idolatry these days…What is with all of the idolatry? No one or no thing on Earth is worth that much of your attention. Literally no one is better than you and no one deserves the pedestal you give them.
You only need to put your attention on Yashua/Jesus and the Most High.
I took part of idolatry before, I get it…
There was a time of my life where I was breaking out a ton, had dry skin, bad things having left and right and I didn’t realize it was because of my disobedience and idolatry!
There was a time of my life where I was idolizing celebrities, the Buddha, other spiritualities, boyfriends, crushes, friends, people whatever ! It’s all the same!
None of that is good ! and if I read the Bible back then, I would understand that a lot of the bad situations and health issues I was experiencing, was because of my disobedience and the cure was Jesus and my obedience to God
This stuff is really legit. Get rid of that Buddha in your room. I just got rid of the dream catcher that was in my room just recently, didn’t realize that was looking up to another god because it has Native American roots. A couple of months ago I threw out a ton of New Age stuff I had in my room as well. And my life has gotten cleaner, better, and holier !
So, I am about to use the anology of ballet and dance, cause I grew up a ballerina and a dancer and God gave me a ballet dream last night.
But basically, my walk with Jesus and God right now can be compared to ballet. In ballet, you have to have really good balance, have little distractions, and stay away from trouble to become victorious in it. You don’t want any distractions. A lot of the time, it requires close to perfection and you must aware that mistakes create consequences, you have to be aware of the risks involving making a mistake.
The same goes for walking with Jesus…you need to be really careful and remain sober minded constantly. You have to take the walk serious and there are risks involved if you make mistakes and you slip up. You don’t want to lead anyone astray.
Also in terms of dancing and it’s relationship with God, God wants you to dance for him and worship him, but there are ways of worship that he does not tolerate or respect! He will not respect dancing done in the wrong way, dancing that sends a bad signal to God.
Like in John 4:24: 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
So he will not respond or respect worship that involves you disrespecting your body. He wants your body to remain Holy. This also entails, not participating in any form of idolatry.
That’s why we need to get rid of all the idols. Anything you are idolizing (consciously or unconsciously) whether it be your desire for a husband, a house, money, art, talents, dance, friends, fame, your parents…or you are praising other idols in spirituality other than Jesus like Gods, Goddesses, the Buddha. Or even celebrities in Hollywood, or any other group think activities, get rid of it! Idolatry is anything you put above god, you could unknowingly be involved in idolatry. It is inviting death of all kinds in to your life and extra baggage you do not need. It’s a distraction, it is getting in the way of you fulfilling your purpose, it is distracting you from God, and you are giving it time and energy it does not deserve! Just turn your face towards Jesus and the rest will fall in to place. We must worship God in spirit and in truth of all kinds. Matthew 6:33 “ But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
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