Are you ready to level up but don’t know where to start?
Have you felt like poor decisions you have made in your life have caused it difficult to move forward?
Do you feel like people do not appreciate your worth, talents, thoughts, and ideas?
Are you finding it difficult setting boundaries with other people?
Do you feel like you lost yourself? Lost your beauty?
Do you want to get your beauty back?
Are you grieving over lost friends, social engagements, and opportunities?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, be amazed because you are in the right place! Victorious in Christ Ministries Lifestyle, health, and wellness coaching is for both men and woman who are ready to level up. You may be knowingly or unknowingly standing for God-ordained Promises from the Lord but feel stuck, lost, and confused regarding your identity and who God has created you to be. Our coaching and mentorship sessions will help to confirm whether or not you are standing for God-ordained Promises or not. We help you to understand your identity and worth and help become who God created you to be. If you are ready to level up, book your session with me today!
How it works?
All sessions are on Eastern Standard Time Zone. Consultation sessions are 60 minutes and follow up one-on-one sessions are for 60 minutes via a link provided.
*All sessions are on Eastern Standard Time.
*Refund Policy: We accept no refunds at this time.