Have you felt mistreated because of the way you look?
Do you feel like you lost yourself?
Do you feel like you lost your beauty?
Do you want to get your beauty back?
Do you desire to level up in regards to your fitness, health, and beauty?
Do you want to find a beauty that lasts and comes from a wholesome place?
Do you want to find that inner shine and radiance you have always knew you had?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, get excited because you are in the right place! Victorious in Christ Ministries Beauty and Fitness coaching is primarily for woman who want to level up in terms of their health and beauty. However here, at Victorious in Christ Ministries, we want to do it the right way with Biblical principles to back it up and with Jesus as the foundation, not vanity, wordly, or empty advice. Beauty and Fitness coaching will help you find your beauty within first as the foundation so it can radiate outward. Victoria will share tips and tricks that have helped her on her own personal journey with beauty and fitness so you can find your own radiance that is individualized to you. If you are ready to become divinely radiant, book your session with me today!
How it works?
All sessions are on Eastern Standard Time Zone. Consultation sessions are 60 minutes and follow up one-on-one sessions are for 60 minutes via a link provided.
*All sessions are on Eastern Standard Time.
*Refund Policy: We accept no refunds at this time.