Victorious in Christ Ministries is a ministry founded by Victoria Pollard. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, we lead people of all ages toward their God Ordained Purpose and Destiny.
Whether you desire to become a wife one day or not, we help woman become unashamed of the walk God has for them. Whether it be preparation to become a Godly Wife in addition to finding her true Godly purpose or desiring to live out their life as Jesus’s wife & finding their sole purpose in him, we give women the tools and support they need to move forward in Victory.
We believe every person has the capability of finding the King or Queen Within. We believe Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all the Earth that leads us back to ourselves and to our Creator, the Most High. We believe the only way to the true God is through Jesus Christ. We believe every man and woman can live a life of victory after inner healing and deliverance if given the proper tools and instruction that line up with scripture. We believe in God Ordained Marriage, Destiny Helpers, Connections and Purpose. We believe in order to receive your God Ordained intended connections and relationships, one must be aligned with the true God and have a relationship with him through Jesus Christ.
We’ll help you find inner healing and deliverance through Christian based counseling, coaching, and mentorship. We’ll help you end unhealthy toxic cycles of rejection, pain, abandonment, confusion, oppression, loneliness, hopelessness, and helplessness. Through lifestyle modification, support, and education, you can become the person God always intended you to be.
Victoria Pollard provides a safe space for people to work through, explore, heal, and resolve stubborn problems and trauma’s that have become strongholds, yokes, and burdens in their lives, which may feel very difficult to get out of. Through counseling, education on prayer and deliverance, human psychology, and Biblically based truths, Victoria will illuminate how environmental pollution, unhealthy relationships, spiritual factors, and generational strongholds can negatively affect their lives in the current social climate of today causing blockage, stagnation, and sabotage in their lives. Victoria hopes to lead her clients to inner healing and deliverance, revelation, clarity, relief, peace, and freedom and to give her clients the tools to live a victorious life rooted in truth.