Victoria Pollard is the founder and creator of Victorious in Christ Ministries. Victoria grew up Catholic but was always pulled toward a “Greater Truth.” Victoria had a Spiritual Awakening at 21 years old that ignited her desire to seek answers. Victoria became Born Again in 2023 after years of struggling with counterfeit spiritual teachings and mentors. Most of her twenties, she was battling spiritual warfare which consisted of being oppressed by worldly ideas, counterfeit spirituality, and empty knowledge. Victoria finally found that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. She finally was done with the lies and became Born Again by Water and Spirit through the true living God, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach. Victoria seeks to help people find their way back home, discover themselves again, and provide a safe space for people to work through stubborn problem areas and trauma’s that have become blockages in their lives. Through counseling, education on prayer and deliverance, human psychology, and Biblically based truths, Victoria will illuminate how many outside and inner factors can negatively affect their lives in the current climate of today. Victoria hopes to lead her clients to inner healing, clarity, relief, peace, and freedom and to give her clients the tools to live a victorious life, inspired by truth.